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Frequent Questions
Where do I send details about the design that I want?
During the order process, you will be asked to answer three questions about the design that you would like. You can also add relevant images and attachments.
Do you offer refunds?
Yes, if you're not 100% satisfied with the geo-filter that we create, we will provide you a full refund!
Still Have Questions?
Is Snapchat submission included?
Yes. During the order placement process, we will ask you if you if you'd like for us to submit the geo-filter to Snapchat or not.
Are Analytics Included?
Yes. If you'd like to see how many uses and views your geo-filter got, we will provide this information upon request.
Your Geo-Filter Is Only 3 Steps Away!
1. Give Us Details
Tell us about your event and what you'd like included in the geo-filter design.
2. Fast Delivery
We'll design an awesome geo-filter for your birthday and deliver it to your email. If you're satisfied, we'll put it on Snapchat. If not, we're always happy to make revisions.
3. Submit & Use On Snapchat
Once you've approved the Geo-Filter, we'll activate it on Snapchat for you. We'll also provide instructions for you to submit it to Snapchat yourself if you'd like.
We'll Handle Everything
We'll make a custom geo-filter for you and activate it on Snapchat
Text & Text Effects
Basic Illustrations
No Caricatures
1 Revision
3-5 Day Delivery
Source Files Excluded
Money Back Guarantee
Best Seller
Text & Text Effects
1 Complex Illustration
1 Caricature of a person/object
5 Revisions
3-5 Day Delivery
Source Files Excluded
Money Back Guarantee
Text & Text Effects
Up to 3 Complex Illustrations
Up to 3 Caricatures of persons/objects
Unlimited Revisions
3-5 Day Delivery
Source Files Included
Money Back Guarantee
Don't see a package that works for you? Mail us at or fill in the form below.
Have Questions or Feedback?
Get in touch with us. We’d love to talk to you!
Mail or fill in the form.
Rather Create One Yourself?
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